Pro 3000 Activated Features
- Dual Vision Technology - the ability to connect to two cameras
- Enhanced dual camera display window (movable overlay of second camera image)
- Line Scan mode - can now produce over 3,000fps when timing in line scan mode.
- Two Systems in ONE!. Choose either high speed video or line scan timing.
- USB cam direct capture mode - Ideal for second ID witness cam.
Live Results Enhanced Results Tab Features
- Larger viewable list of athletes
- Easily add NT, DNF, DNS and DQ to athlete or relay record.
- Enhanced 3-4 digit ID number entry. Ideal for cross country, road racing, etc.
- Enhanced .lif results file creation for greater compatibility with meet management software options.
- Can now 'build a heat or race' by assigning known athlete ID numbers. Great for unseeded track events and CC.
- Can quickly seed an unseeded race just prior to the after event or anytime after its completion
- Features above work with both imported meet management files and formatted excel template.