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USB Switch - File Sharing Device

The included USB Switch allows each computer to access the same external drive. The shared files remain on this drive while allowing each computer access via the following process.

1. PLUG a USB storage device (such as a thumb drive) into the back of the USB Switch.
2. CONNECT the USB cables from the USB Switch to available USB ports on each computer .
3. ACCEPT the USB storage device on computer one once it is detected.
4. PRESS the RESET button on the USB Switch to connectto computer two.
5. ACCEPT the USB storage device on computer two once it is detected. You need only accept the thumb drive once on each computer during initial set up.

6. Within the Eagle Eye Results Tab, SAVE a results file to the USB thumb drive connected to the USB Switch. You need only map this drive once during set up.
7. Within the Meet Management software, CHOOSE to direct the .EVT file to the USB storage device connected to the USB Switch. This should also be the location the meet management software will receive the . lif results file generated by Eagle Eye. You need only map to this drive once during set up.

Tip: It is recommended that the operator of the meet management software (results computer) operate the USB Switch.This allows the timing operator to focus entirely on reading each race and preparing to time the next event.

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USB File Sharing Device Capture Button
USB File Sharing Device
Our Price: $29.95
Capture Button
Our Price: $95.00
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File Sharing Made Easier!
Share files (.lif, .evt, etc.) between two computers with ease. True plug-n-play! No driver to install or additional software environment to learn. Learn more - watch video.

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Capture Button allows heads up recording of finishing athletes.